O Little Town of Bethlehem

O Little Town of Bethlehem [Edited excerpt from the “Christmas in October” post by Teresa Albright on her 2016 travel blog A Tree Grows in Jerusalem .] …The next morning our Biblical Formation group climbed onto a tour bus for our final excursion outside the walls of Jerusalem’s Old City. We headed to Bethlehem, a small town just five miles from Jerusalem, but outside Israel. We were entering Palestinian territory and the disputed West Bank. With passports in hand, it seemed we never left Jerusalem. The suburbs of Israeli settlements filled in any gaps of land separating the two states. I thought about a common Mexican-American expression uttered by those whose families lived in Texas since before it was a U.S. state. "We didn’t cross the border, the border crossed us.” Staring out the bus window, I wondered… “how many of the construction workers building these settlements are Palestinian?” I also wondered about those Israeli “settlers” – perhaps not unlike so many se...