
Showing posts from January, 2022

A Little Visitation - January 9, 2022

Note: Our staff took the entire year of 2021 off from this blog - our last post dated December 28, 2020. We are planning to be back on a weekly basis in 2022. We will post Msgr. Offutt's A Little Visitation bulletin letters every other week and articles from other staff members on the alternate weeks. We are happy to be back in 2022 and welcome your feedback. Dear Folks,                 So this is the first bulletin column I have written in almost 2 years. I wonder how long it will take me to get the hang of it again. You might realize that sitting in front of the “Video Visitation” camera on Wednesdays is considerably simpler and easier than writing a bulletin column. I am over the initial disdain I felt for doing the video thing. When we began it I did not at all like the way I looked and sounded to myself. I thought, “Gee, is this what these poor people have to put up with week after week? How do they take it?” It seemed to me that my gestures were outsized, my inflections mos