COVID Discipleship
MORAL OBLIGATION? CIVIC DUTY? NEITHER . . . I’M A CHRISTIAN! by Megan Burdolski, Director of Stewardship I’d be lying if I said that I’m enjoying life amidst the pandemic. I’m not. I doubt that very many people are. I was disappointed that my youngest child didn’t get a “normal” high school senior experience – prom, honors night, graduation. I am heartbroken for my cousin’s wife who did not get to celebrate her 85 th birthday with her children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren because she lives in a senior living center that does not allow visitors in nor her to leave. I am sad for those who’ve had to delay weddings or funerals or other celebrations because they cannot hold them in the fashion they intended. But I’m also a rule follower. I wouldn’t have wanted those things to happen in any way that could promote the spread of Covid-19. I am a mask wearer – I’ve been hyper-vigilant about doing so. I even put my mask on (alone in my car) when I’m picking up my curbside Target...